Ray Tucker
A former Capitol board president, Ray served on the theater’s restoration committee. He is an integral component of the theater’s technical operation. Stage lighting, sound, set construction; all the components of the technical aspect of performing arts are his areas of expertise, in both design and operation.
Tickets for the May 5th induction ceremony will be available at the door and are priced at $15.00 for adults and $10.00 for students. A family ticket priced at $40.00 will also be available. Advance sale tickets will be available online (from the Capitol website) and from the Capitol box office beginning April 15, 2024. Refreshments will be served following the induction ceremony.
A complete listing of the one hundred and one members of the Rome Arts Hall of Fame can be viewed on the Capitol’s website at https://www.romecapitol.com. Select Rome Arts Hall of Fame from the dropdown menu under Annual Events. The Capitol’s website also contains a nomination form which can be used to nominate potential inductees. Nominations from the public are currently being accepted for the class of 2025.
Special Capitol presentations in May featuring local Arts continue with the variety show CNY OnStage Live Saturday, May 11th and the performance of Westward, Ho! by the theatre’s Rising Stars youth theatre group on Sunday, May 26.